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《中国妇女》英文月刊创刊于50年代初期,是面向全世界发行的国家级英文女性刊物。本刊致力于传播中国古今优秀文化、展示中国女性价值观念和生存状态,全面深入地报道中国妇女的历史与现状、进步与发展、各民族妇女丰富多彩的生活以及女性关注的各种问题。是中国妇女走向世界和世界了解中国妇女的桥梁和纽带。WOMEN OF CHINA English Monthly was first published in the early 1950s. The publication is the only comprehensive monthly English-language magazine in China that has the specific purpose of introducing Chinese women to the world. The magazine communicates, through in-depth reports, the wonder of Chinese culture and the reality of Chinese women's lives, including their experiences and perspectives, their past and present goals and achievements, their concerns, and the colorful lives of women from China’s 56 ethnic groups.
发行周期:月刊     总发布量:37期